Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery

Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery, Upthorpe Road, Stanton , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AW

01359 250225

Sycamore Class

Mrs Freeman, Mrs Cross & Miss McKenna welcome you to the Sycamore class webpage!

A brief introduction...

Mrs Freeman, Mrs Cross and Miss McKenna are very pleased to be working together to support the children in Sycamore Class.  Mrs Freeman loves teaching PE, art and geography, Mrs Cross loves history and art and Miss McKenna loves maths and science.

PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday but we suggest children bring their P.E. kits to school and leave them on their pegs until the half term. Please click here to be taken to the uniform checklist.

Library day- Every Monday we have a chance to go into the library as a class to change books and read.  We encourage the children to have a reading book in the classroom at all times to make the most of any spare moments.  


Sycamore Class Learning

In Sycamore Class, we love to learn and have chosen lots of fantastic topics to focus on all through the year! We will be sending home Knowledge Organisers regularly associated with the learning and to support children for the spaced retrieval quizzes we do in school. 

For more information on any subjects please click on the learning tab above.

Home Learning

In year 3, children are expected to continue their learning at home. All homework will be sent home on a Monday after school and should be returned to school by the following Monday morning at the latest although can be given in earlier. This will ensure children have enough time to complete their work around other out of school / family commitments. It will also give staff time to mark and set the next week’s homework.

This can include:

  • Daily reading and spelling practice
  • Times Table Rock Stars
  • Wider curriculum such as research, knowledge organiser work