Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery

Stanton Community Primary School and Nursery, Upthorpe Road, Stanton , Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AW

01359 250225

Ash Class

Mrs Bradbury, Mr Mayes, Mrs Reinman and Mrs Jones

welcome you to Year 5 .

A brief introduction...

Mrs Bradbury teaches in Year 5. She absolutely loves Maths and Geography! She also loves speaking and reading in French. Mr Mayes is the invaluable class teaching assistant and is really passionate about Science and writing! Mrs Reinman is a wonderful artist and is always happiest working creatively. Mrs Jones, loves to read and travel so loves learning outside.


PE Days are on a Friday but we suggest children bring their P.E. kits to school and leave them in their lockers - just in case! Please click here to be taken to the uniform checklist. Forest schools in on a Wednesday and we go out in all weathers.

Ash Class Learning

In Ash Class, we love to learn and have chosen lots of fantastic topics to focus on all through the year! We will be sending home Knowledge Organisers regulary associated with the learning and to support children prepare for the spaced retrieval quizzes.


The Importance of Knowledge Organiser?

For more information on any subjects please click on the learning tab above.

Home Learning

In year 5, children are expected to continue their learning at home. Homework is asked to be little and often - 10 minutes minimum per day on Doodle learning. There are four areas: spellings, English, maths and times tables. Doodle learning sets bespoke activities for the individual child. Mrs Bradbury may also add in some whole class homework activities which reflect our weeks learning but this will be shown when logging on to Doodle Learning.

For more information please see the school's Homework Policy.

Websites to Support Home Learning 

Primary Homework Help

BBC Bitesize

TT Rockstars


Grid Club

NASA Kids Club

National Geographic Kids Club